Is there a hormone with this name ??? No.. but there is a relation between both. Lets know it all!
You must have read and heard about Sun being the Power House of all energies in the universe, well that is 100% correct. But do you know how our body reacts to Sunrise, sunset and sunlight ?? I am not talking about weather changes but I am talking about real changes in sun energies and body which are inter related. Lets find out –
- SUNLIGHT is also known as VITAMIN SUNSHINE as it triggers the production of Vitamin D in our bodies.
- SUNLIGHT promotes release of Serotonin and helps in stabilizing moods.
- SUN exposure also increases white blood cells in the body, boosting immunity.
- Sunlight transforms high cholesterol in the blood to hormones
- Sunlight helps deliver oxygen to the tissues which in turn impacts stamina and fitness.
And many more…
Next time when you hear a term like hormonal imbalance, remember the SUN HORMONE and concentrate on how your body and food is not working as per the sun’s movements.